How To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Business Page

I’ve got to be honest here. When I was first starting out as a social media manager, I had zero idea on how to get more Facebook Page Likes. So what our team and I would do is just go out and buy them (taking the easy way out). Not proud about this but when you’re in a fast startup, you have to try different things, learn from your mistakes and keep the numbers high with traffic coming in to ensure new business.

Though, I’m telling you now that buying Facebook Likes is not a good idea, just in case you were thinking of doing the same thing. Yes, they help you look like you’re popular but that’s about it. Its not targeted traffic and they will have very little interest if any about what your business does. It can certianly take you on a wrong turn with your Facebook marketing progress.

Think about it, they are not real people hence you get no engagements from them. Therefore, your Facebook insights won’t look so good because you have a lot of Page Likes but nobody’s really engaging with you. Always remember search engines and social sharing sites are looking for reactions, social proof and reviews from clients. The more likes, comments and share you are getting the more this is a trust signal to Facebook that you are a successful company.

An Effective (But Slow Way) To Get More Facebook Page Likes

Ever heard of the saying, “slowly but surely”? Well, it applies to this technique I’m going to share with you because its worth it.

If you’re also growing your followers on Twitter by using the common strategy of following a thousand followers in a day using Twitter Follow tools like CrowdFire or Statusbrew, this is going to work for you.

In your Welcome DMs or Auto DMs, you can simply put there:

Hi! Do you like learning about SEO and never before heard marketing tips? We’re sharing them daily on Facebook!

Give us a like to read them every week! 

Noticed how I didn’t just say:

Hi! Please like our Facebook Page!
It’s because you’ve got to tell people what’s in it for them and be honest or at least tell them what updates or content they will see if they do like your page. If you can take away their pain points, answer questions and give as much value as possible you will be doing great!

Dave Kerpen, the CEO of Likeable Media, actually pointed this out in his book likeable social media, How to Delight Your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (and other social networks).

He said,

“don’t just tell them to like you, tell them what’s in it for them, and tell them in a way that’s about them, not you.”

How To Get Facebook Likes From The Right People

 What I shared earlier is something you can actually do right now to get the ball rolling. Now I’m going to show the best way to grow your Facebook Business Page without spending a lot but will just take a lot of your time brainstorming.

Mike Gingerich, Co-Founder of Tabsite, listed down all the 7 important facebook fan questions in this infographic made with Visme you and your team must answer to get the right fans so you can improve your Facebook marketing results.

7 Important Questions for Facebook Marketing Infographic

How-To-Get-More-Likes-On-Your-Facebook-Business-Page hires

You don’t have to have all the answer right now but use this as a guide. If there’s an idea that comes to your head, write them down. This will help reassess your plans and see if all of you are on the same page.

Then once you have your ideal target market in mind you can use this video guide to help find and target the right customer for your business by using what I like to call,

The Facebook LIKE Swipe!

Guys, honestly this is one of the best ways to get more Facebook looks through time, it helps grow your Business Page organicly but more important than just getting the like, is that you have specifically targeted your ideal customer and that is going to mean more SALES!

One of the best things you can do for your business is ensure you have a Facebook marketing strategy in place. So what is the difference of a strategy and someone who is just killing time on Facebook?

Here are some quick tips to keep you focused:

  • Take a note of your Current Facebook Likes
  • Set a Goal for Likes for the Month / Year
  • State how you are going to get those new Likes
  • Adhere to a schedule, block off time each day

Here are Other Ways to Achieve More Likes:

  1. Add More Admins and Invite their Friend’s List
  2. Like Other Pages (wait for them to like you back)
  3. Run a Facebook Ads Campaign
  4. Upload your List of Contacts

Most people don’t even know that #4 exists, but I assure you it DOES! Here is how to get it done…

All you have to do it click on the “…” button on your Business Page directly under your cover photo. Then, select “Invite Contacts.” Once you select “Suggest Page,” a pop-up menu will give you the various email integration options that you can use to import your contacts.

You can upload up to 5,000 contacts at a time!

Talk about little-known, but totally awesome Facebook hacks! This one is buried within your Page options and magical once you find it.

Hope that helps all Business get more Likes for their Facebook Business Pages, If you need help with your stategy you can always call us at, we would be more than willing to help implent a strategic social media marketing plan for your business.

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